We cover the principles of collecting, analysing and reporting on qualitative and quantitative data whilst also taking account of ethics, reliability and validity. YouÕll critically examine the theoretical foundations that underpin criminology and socio-legal research, as well as exploring issues with comparative research and developing an understanding of the relationship between criminology research and policymaking.

The course is recognised as research training by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) and is supported by staff from the Scottish Centre for Crime and Criminal Justice Research Ð a multi-university body with international influence and links to academics, policymakers and practitioners around the world.

The MRes Criminological Research provides expert training to ensure you can:

  • collect, analyse and report qualitative and quantitative data, taking account of ethics, reliability and validity
  • critically examine the theoretical foundations that underpin criminological and socio-legal research
  • examine issues concerning comparative criminological and socio-legal research
  • understand the relationship between criminological research and policy, and the meanings of evaluation, its terminology, practice and use