We explore related aspects of animal biology, including animal behaviour, ecology, evolution, cell biology and physiology, as well as applied aspects of animal conservation and management.

Fieldwork will be an essential part of your training. In addition to fieldwork in Scotland, we run two optional fieldtrips in Year 4. One takes place in the French CŽvennes Mountains, which is a UNESCO World Biosphere Reserve, and the other at GabonÕs LopŽ National Park, in the heart of the western Congo Basin.

As ScotlandÕs hub for conservation science, with close links to many animal conservation organisations, Stirling the ideal place to study biology.

From life science jobs to research and teaching, thereÕs a great deal of variation in jobs available to graduates with an Animal Biology degree:

  • research scientist
  • science writer
  • medical writer
  • biotechnologist
  • higher education lecturer
  • microbiologist
  • nanotechnologist
  • conservation
  • pharmacologist
  • secondary school teacher
  • soil scientist
  • zoologist

Animal biologists work in the agricultural, pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries, and in conservation management and environmental agencies. Other career paths include: forensic sciences, teaching, the food industry, commercial analytical laboratories and, with further study, professions allied to medicine, and in academic, government and industrial research laboratories