At St Andrews, the focus is on New Testament language and literature, though you can also take additional classes in Old Testament (Hebrew Bible) and Christian history and theology.Modern teaching methods in language study are used to help beginners. And for those with an existing background in Greek, advanced language classes and textual classes in the original language are well provided for.The MA (Hons) New Testament portion of the four-year joint degree course is run by the School of Divinity. Your study is designed to introduce you to the complexities and wonders of reading New Testament texts: language, contexts, content, methods, and hermeneutics (a reading of ancient texts in a modern world).Your first two years focus on a thorough introductory study of the New Testament, and on enabling you to read and analyse prescribed texts in Biblical Greek. The New Testament modules focus on Jesus and the Gospels, PaulÕs letters and the rest of the New Testament writings in the context of the history and theology of early Christianity.