The MLitt in Middle East, Caucasus and Central Asian Security Studies is a one-year multidisciplinary degree run by the School of International Relations which offers an advanced grounding in the security of three fascinating and turbulent regions: the Middle East, Caucasus and Central Asia.ÊIt explores the security, politics, economics, history and culture of these strategically significant areas.


  • The course is designed for professionals who have worked in or on these regions and for students with a decided interest in this area and themes.
  • In most years, the MECCASS teaching staff conduct a study trip for students to either Central Asia or the Middle East, offering unique insights (these trips depend on staff availability and conditions on ground, and cannot, therefore be guaranteed to be available every year; they are funded by participating students).
  • The course offers an opportunity for language study in Arabic, Persian or Russian.
  • Teaching is deeply informed with real-world experience as the programme regularly brings in practitioners and outside experts.Ê