The MLitt in Mediaeval Studies is an interdisciplinary programme run by theÊStÊAndrews Institute of Mediaeval Studies (SAIMS).


  • The programme benefits from a range of expertise from Late Antiquity to the 15thÊcentury, and across the mediaeval world from the Middle East and the Mediterranean to the British Isles and Scandinavia.
  • The structure of the degree allows students to match their module choices to their needs and intellectual interests.Ê
  • Study includes cross-disciplinary and interdisciplinary work in the fields of history, art history, languages and literature.

Teaching format

The course comprises two semesters of taught modules followed by a three-month focus period for writing a dissertation of not more than 15,000 words.

Teaching methods include seminars, practicals and fortnightly tutorials, with class sizes ranging from individual supervision up to 12 students. The modules are assessed entirely through coursework; the Core Language and Text Skills modules are assessed on a pass/fail basis.