The BA Business Analysis and Technology and Human Resource Management at The University of StrathclydeÊhave an excellent general awareness of how a business works. TheyÕre also able to apply advanced analytical methods to deal with specific management issues.

We also offer some of the best teaching in Human Resource Management (HRM) in both Scotland and the UK.

Human Resource Management (HRM) is about the relationship between employers and employees and the ways in which people are managed in the workplace. Ê

This covers areas such as recruitment and selection, training and developing and managing conflict at work. These are an important part of the management process in all organisations.


Business Analysis & Technology

A significant number of well-known companies specifically target graduates from Strathclyde Business School, and from the area of management science in particular. Companies employing our graduates include:

  • consultancy companies such as Accenture Consulting, PA Consulting and Capgemini
  • financial services providers such as The Royal Bank of Scotland, Standard Life and Goldman Sachs
  • consumer goods companies such as Procter & Gamble and Unilever
  • supermarkets such as Tesco and Morrisons
  • other companies including British Airways, Scottish Power, BT, BAE Systems and public sector organisations such as the NHS

Job titles vary and may include business consultant, business analyst, operations manager and risk manager.

Human Resource Management

A degree in Human Resource Management from Strathclyde is greatly valued by employers. Many graduates find jobs directly related to HRM while others go into broader business and administrative roles.