This Integrated Mature Field Management programme at Heriot-Watt University aims to develop the numerate, science and engineering skills required to successfully manage mature oil and gas fields in a holistic, safe and cost-effective manner.

This is an industry-led intensive 12 month programme of lectures and project work encompassing a wide range of fundamental concepts, principles and theories which are pertinent to the modern petroleum industry.

Our courses are designed so that our graduates are technically well prepared through the integration of theory and practice and the application of statistical, scientific and economics skills. Students will also develop personal qualities and professional competencies of petroleum engineers.

Industry links

The Institute also has an industry-based Strategic Advisory Board who monitors activities in the wider context of the needs of the industry and offer guidance on the programme ensuring content is up to date and relevant to current industry needs. Seminar sessions are also conducted by staff from a variety of petroleum engineering companies.

Career opportunities

The courses provide specialist education tailored to the requirements of the upstream petroleum industry, which is undergoing significant changes and faces major challenges when operating mature field managements in the North Sea, Gulf of Mexico, Middle East, Malaysia, East Asia and South America. Petroleum, however, remains the dominant source of energy for our society, with current world production of oil and gas at record rates and increasing volumes coming from existing and mature fields rather than new discoveries.

It is widely recognised that a steady influx of well-trained and industry-aware people with fresh ideas is vital for longer term success and stability of an organisation. The relevance of the education offered by this new MSc programme in Integrated Mature Field Management, combined with careful selection of candidates and Heriot-Watt University?s long-standing global success in providing graduate training for the petroleum industry, will ensure that operating companies and oilfield service companies will continue to target Heriot-Watt for recruitment of graduates in the future, especially candidates who will be able to make sound technical contributions to the management and operation of mature fields.