Focusing on animal biology, this course atÊUniversity of Derby covers a broad range of topics such as wildlife conservation, ecology and animal behaviour. YouÕll also cover the sciences that underpin zoology including genetics, biochemistry and statistics.

This is a hands-on, practical course with plenty of opportunities to undertake field work and laboratory work, develop your technical skills and gain the experience that employers want to see in graduates. Modules are taught through lectures, practical sessions, tutorials and fieldwork.

The course was one of the first of its kind in the country to receive accreditation from the Royal Society of Biology, an accolade which carries significant weight within the sector and is only granted after a rigorous independent assessment.

This means that, when you graduate, youÕll meet the requirements for Associate Membership of the Society (AMSB). Following appropriate professional experience, you can then apply for full membership, which is widely recognised throughout the industry and by potential employers.

YouÕll benefit from the close working relationship with a broad range of employers from zoos and wildlife parks to museums, conservation organisations, ecological consultancies and government bodies.


Our focus is on ensuring you develop strong intellectual, technical and personal skills to build an impressive CV and meet the needs of employers.

On completion of this course, youÕll have not only in-depth knowledge of zoology but also analytical skills to interpret data, written communication skills to produce reports, and project management skills from undertaking experiments and conducting research.

You could find work as a zoologist, ecologist, marine scientist, environmental consultant or nature conservationist, to name but a few roles. Recent graduates have gone on to work in zoos, wildlife parks, wildlife trusts, the RSPCA, the Environment Agency, veterinary practices and environmental consultancy. There are also opportunities to progress to careers in research, teaching, the museum sector, the media, the scientific civil service and areas such as biomedical science.

In addition, our zoology course provides an excellent preparation if you would like to move on to further study, including medical qualifications, a masters degree or a PhD.