Why study this course with us?
  • You will study and prepare yourself for a professional career with a supportive and qualified core staff team. As well as excellent Learning Resources and Student Support and Guidance provision at the University, staff on the course have a wide range of specialisms and expertise.
  • You will be provided with frequent opportunities to discuss issues that arise in learning about social work in small discussion groups/action learning sets with other students.
  • Experienced practice teachers and assessors are committed to your personal and professional development.

Job prospects

The graduates of the Social Work programme offered by the University of Chester go into careers in a number of social work settings, including child protection, social work with vulnerable adults and prison settings.Ê

The course embeds careers and employability sessions across all three years so that students feel confident of their strengths and abilities when they apply for work and attend interviews. Many of our students return to Chester as qualified social workers for continuing professional development, or to specialise in areas such as mental health social work and practice education.Ê Ê