• The Master of Science in Marketing and Strategy program at the University of Warwick is a duration of 1-year.
  • The MSc in Marketing and Strategy is a full-time or on-campus program.
  • Marketing and Strategy MSc gives you the opportunity to explore two key disciplines at the heart of business strategy. Studying at Warwick Business School, ranked 7th in the world and 2nd in the UK (QS Business Masters in Marketing Rankings 2022), you will receive expert guidance and gain the confidence and expertise to apply the skills learnt to a variety of roles.
  •  MSc Marketing and Strategy combines the two disciplines providing you with the theoretical background for making marketing decisions, both within companies and from advisory perspectives in service providers and consultancies.
  • If you are considering further academic study (PhD) and you would like the opportunity to research a topic relating to marketing or strategy, the dissertation enables you to test and apply the techniques and theories you have gained.
  • If you would like to develop further applied skills and specialist knowledge to suit your career aspirations, you can complete your studies with one additional elective module and our applied Business in Practice module.
  • The modules for MSc Marketing and Strategy vary in terms of teaching, but will be a mixture of lectures and seminars, as well as visits from guest speakers to give a real-life perspective to your studies.
  • The typical class size for this course is around 185 students.

  • The course is assessed by a variety of coursework, exams and group work. Your 8,000 word dissertation or Business in Practice module brings all your learning together.

  • Dissertation route: 

    If you are considering further academic study (PhD) and you would like the opportunity to research a topic relating in more depth, the 8,000 word dissertation will enable you to test and apply the techniques and theories you have gained.

    You may undertake a company-based project where you will apply the theory you have learned through the course to benefit a sponsoring organisation. You will produce both an academic dissertation and a management report for the company.

    The second option is to undertake a piece of marketing or strategy-related research, which will see you develop more specific detailed knowledge in a particular area of marketing or strategy. This could form the basis for further study at doctoral level.

    In total you will study six compulsory modules, three marketing and/or strategy related optional modules, and complete your dissertation

  • Business in Practice route

    If you would like to develop further applied skills and specialist knowledge to suit your career aspirations, you can complete your studies with our applied Business in Practice module. You will develop deep functional and industry expertise with practical insights from our faculty and our CareersPlus and Corporate Relations team.

    In total, you will study six compulsory modules, three marketing and/or strategy related optional modules, one open optional module, and also complete the compulsory Business in Practice capstone module.

  • There may be events taking place in the evenings. Classes may run up to 7pm and other events, such as careers presentations may take place later or on weekends. Occasionally, classes and exams may be held on weekends. They will notify you in advance if this is the case.