The Science of Youth Coaching and Development programme offered by the Coventry University is attractive for many reasons:

  • Teaching is research inspired and research informed, delivered by a UKCC level 4 coach with over 15 yearsÕ experience coaching youth throughout the developmental pathways leading to competitive elite performance at national and international level. Other teaching staff on this course are active researchers within athletic development, motor development and physical activity in children. For example, Professor Michael Duncan has published in excess of 100 papers in youth development and physical activity. Some of this work around motor development increasing physical activity in youth has resulted in two excellence awards.Ê
  • Members of our teaching staff are accredited with the British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences and UK Strength and Conditioning Association, who will provide varied pedagogical approaches in their teaching to ensure a rich learning experience. For example, staff delivering on other masterÕs modules, students rated their module experience and satisfaction as 100%.Ê
  • Our courses have a track record of success as a result of our student led focus. Currently, our undergraduate courses in Sports Science have an outstanding graduate employability rate of 90%, this is in part delivered by staff leading this new masterÕs course.

Career prospects

The requirement for expertise in youth development has recently received considerable attention.

There is a growing demand for specialist support within community, public sectors and sporting sectors. For example, you could find yourself developing elite youth athletes in sporting organisations, developing competency within educational settings, or devising and implementing initiatives in increasing lifelong physical activity.

Our course provides opportunities for you to develop and demonstrate specialist academic and transferrable skills, such as good communication, problem-solving, critical analysis and the ability to work independently to a high standard. The course's strong focus on research skills provides an ideal platform for further study at PhD level or for undertaking research.

Coventry University is committed to preparing you for your future career and giving you a competitive edge in the graduate job market. The UniversityÕs Careers and Employability team provide a wide range of support services to help you plan and prepare for your career.