In our increasingly globalised world, there is a growing demand for digital and content marketers with the confidence to conduct business in an international marketplace, capable of overcoming the challenges of marketing across countries and cultures.

Marketing across countries requires different skills and knowledge Ð from identifying specific market needs to understanding the cultural nuances which influence customer motivations.

The International Marketing programme offered by the Coventry UniversityÊconsiders the broader implications of marketing and its impact upon consumers, society and other stakeholders, such as managing corporate reputation and the motivations for internationalising business. You will be introduced to ways of achieving competitive advantage in todayÕs business environment. For example, the extensive use of analytics and the various market research techniques used in decision making.

As the course progresses, you will have the opportunity to develop more specialist knowledge, understanding and skills. We will consider the different commercial forms and strategies to pursue international business and key influences in the global marketing management paradigm.

Career prospects

Graduates of this course could go on to pursue a wide range of career opportunities both here in the UK or overseas in multinational marketing or communications agencies, in-house marketing departments or the rapidly expanding digital, direct and interactive marketing industry.

Our course is accredited by the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM), which means that straight after your degree you can go on to achieve the CIM Professional Diploma in Marketing. With appropriate work experience, you would then be eligible for Associated/Member status from CIM, able to use the designatory letters ACIM/MCIM. With this, you will also be well on your way to achieving Chartered Marketer status, the mark of an up-to-date, qualified and experienced marketing professional. Additional costs may apply. Please check with the membership body for details.