Financial Risk Management is an essential discipline and a highly rewarding career path in the global financial sector, with a growing demand for skills which safeguard the financial well-being of corporations and financial institutions alike.

The Financial Risk Management programme offered by the Coventry UniversityÊaims to provide you with the opportunity to develop specialist knowledge in finance, with a particular focus on financial risk management.

It combines critical analysis and understanding of concepts and theories in financial risk management with development of a quantitative financial risk-assessment skill set, all embedded within real-world applications.

The course will involve critical evaluation, interpretation and communication of risk information and data for tactical and strategic financial risk management purposes. You will also have the opportunity to explore financial risk management as it manifests in a variety of forms, including market risk, credit risk, and liquidity risk.

It seeks to enhance your knowledge and skills in critical analysis, through an in-depth study of key issues relating to the subject matter. For example, concepts and principles not only explaining how financial risk arises, but importantly also how it can be mitigated, at the level of individual financial assets and liabilities, at portfolio level, and at enterprise level.

The course will establish a theoretical foundation which comprehensively explores the complex and dynamic financial relationships manifesting the most important types of financial risks encountered in business, such as market risk, credit risk, and liquidity risk. Furthermore, since theoretical underpinnings are explored in the context of industry-relevant applications, graduates of the course should be able to realise inherent competitive advantages that promote eventual transition into the workplace. Through a process of inclusive learning, you will also have the opportunity to evaluate the regulatory framework applied to banks in order to gain a critical awareness of the importance of regulation and its many challenges.Ê

Career prospects

This course aims to provide you with expertise in financial risk management, thereby preparing you for employment within a relatively broad array of financial service sectors, such as insurance, pensions, asset management, and banking, as well as corporations in various business segments.

Roles within those institutions could include financial analyst, asset manager, risk manager, and treasurer.