The Embedded Microelectronics and Wireless Systems programme offered by the Coventry University includes a focus on real-time applications, such as mobile communications and wireless sensing.

YouÕll have access to state-of-the-art facilities and teaching informed by our world-leading and internationally excellent research in the design of real-time wireless networks, the application of systems modelling, statistical and artificial intelligence techniques.

Electrical and electronic technology is now indispensable in modern life Ð powering our transport and communication systems and supplying essential energy to our homes and businesses.

We regularly update course content to reflect emerging trends and knowledge fields to enrich your technical and transferrable skills, often drawing on our own research findings.

For example, using some of the latest mobile robotic configurations in the V-REP package allow students to work with current up-to-date configurations.

The course offers a programme of study, sharing common semester modules with the MSc in Electrical and Electronic Engineering. You have an option of either taking ÔDigital CommunicationsÕ or ÔMeasurement and Sensor TechnologyÕ.

Career prospects

Embedded and wireless systems are now ever-present in all aspects of technological life Ð in industries as diverse as automotive, biotechnology, fixed and mobile communications, information technology, industrial electronics process control, security and computer technology.

There is a high demand for highly trained professionals to develop such systems or work or in the vast number of industries that employ these technologies.

The specialist topics studied on the programme will prepare you for a wider range of roles in related industries that rely on the technology. Possible destinations include: communications; digital system design; industrial measurement and monitoring systems; robotics and associated activities; and microelectronic applications. Alternatively, you can progress onto further study in the forms of a PhD.Ê