The Disaster Management and Resilience programme offered by the Coventry University is designed to provide you with the opportunity to develop knowledge and practical skills needed to identify, critically analyse, assess and successfully manage increasingly complex disasters, operating confidently in policy development, strategy implementation and response management.

The overall aim is for you to be able to contribute to the strengthening of community, professional, organisational, national and international capacity to deal with complex multifactorial disasters in the future, developing strategies which will increase our resilience to risks and threats to both economies and societies.

You should gain a solid understanding of the key theories within the areas of humanitarian practice, development, climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction, so you are better able to evaluate the activities of NGOs, multilateral agencies and institutions and undertake risk and vulnerability assessments at an appropriate level of seniority, including important developments in the field of humanitarian relief and operations.

We will help to expand your knowledge of the legal and political framework of international humanitarian and disaster risk reduction sectors, taking account of the social, ethical and environmental contexts of disaster management. You will also be required to carry out an independent piece of research of your choosing, intended to enable you to develop skills in personal organisation, research and critical thinking, as well as advancing your knowledge in the subject area.

Career prospects

The course aims to enable you to develop your skills in problem-solving, teamwork and leadership, project management and communication, all of which are qualities employers demand

Our part-time students are often sponsored by their employers and our graduates have gone on to work for a range of organisations, including, governments, NGOs and private sector organisations.

We strive to produce graduates who can make difficult decisions whilst being culturally sensitive, ethical and compassionate, the capabilities required by international relief and development organisations, private sector consultancies, national government, local authorities and United Nations agencies operating around the world.