Throughout the Photography and Collaboration programme offered by the Coventry University, we will endeavour to support you in identifying, initiating and developing work made in community or collaborative contexts.

The course structure incorporates modules which are grouped into three primary areas: conceptual foundations, methodological experimentation, and professional enhancement. This conceptual underpinning prepares you to reflect critically on practices and frameworks relevant to your own work, while you develop your own collaborative projects through intensive, immersive laboratories, and the completion of major projects. The professional modules can prepare you to be innovative, research-informed practitioners able to succeed in your chosen fields of employment.

A range of disciplines, genres and contexts will be examined throughout the course, including socially engaged art, cultural activism, public art, visual anthropology, collectives, progressive education, performance and community photography. Connected learning through social media and online platforms, videoconferencing, and other web-based communication technologies allows the course to activate global networks of diverse and multidisciplinary industry experts. The scope and duration of the course supports this aim, as well as facilitating a long-term approach to working with community, or in partnerships, which is a vital aspect of a successful socially engaged practice.

You will be encouraged to develop projects that deepen your interests and ideas, and can play an active role in the shaping of the curriculum as embedded within the easily personalised course structure are opportunities for field trips, artist talks, studio visits and multi-location learning, as well as local and international partnership. This, in combination with highly flexible assessment forms, allows a significant capacity for self-directing the shape of your own educational outcomes.

Career prospects

Regardless of your specific intentions, circumstances, or background, the MA Photography and Collaboration aims to allow students to define and work towards attainment of your goals, enhance employability, widen global community of practice, and gain a qualification that supports obtainment of successful career ambitions.

The course structure incorporates modules which are grouped into three primary areas: conceptual foundations, methodological experimentation, and professional enhancement. This conceptual underpinning prepares you to reflect critically on practices and frameworks relevant to your work while you develop collaborative projects through intensive, immersive laboratories, and the completion of major projects. The professional modules help prepare you to be innovative research-informed practitioners able to succeed in your chosen field of employment.