We consider one of the core issues presented by the international system as it has evolved is the establishment and maintenance of order and the reconciliation of this goal with that of the achievement of justice for the competing claims of groups, both territorial and non-territorial, and individuals.

This fascinating courseÊin Diplomacy, Law and Global Change from Coventry UniversityÊexplores the emerging global order of the 21st century from the perspectives of diplomacy and international law. Rapid change at both the domestic and international levels Ð globalization Ð is transforming the policy environment and context in which both are constrained to operate. You will study the changing environment and new challenges it presents, such as gender equality, climate change, modern slavery, terrorism and organised crime.

Career prospects

Employers are looking for individuals with the ability to work across different cultures, and to possess problem-solving and critical analysis skills.

As well as giving you the opportunity to achieve two additional awards (Level 7 Certificate in Strategic Leadership and Management and a Level 7 Award in Professional Consulting), the CMI accredited Global Professional Development module may set you apart in a competitive job market. Students should gain practical leadership skills to critically evaluate and develop solutions for complex, inter-related, multi-faceted issues that you will experience in your future organisations.

The course aims to provide both an academically demanding experience and one which will be of practical use in a future career. We encourage you to gain first-hand experience through volunteering and placement opportunities. In the past students have, undertaken internships in embassies and high commissions, such as the Thai Embassy in Kuala Lumpur, think-tanks, including the Royal Institute of International Affairs in London, the Institute of Cultural Diplomacy in Berlin and the South-South International Cooperation organisation in Palermo, and undertaken research in universities abroad such as the Arab-American University in Jenin.