During the Automotive Design programme offered by the Coventry University, you will learn to create innovative product design solutions in a range of styles and media, which factor in purpose, usability, materials, ecology, desirability, technological feasibility and professional constraints.

Building on knowledge gained in undergraduate study or professional practice, this postgraduate course will equip you with the opportunity to develop core skills demanded by design studios of global Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs).

With major industry links, including a chance to show your work to industry leaders, you can get ahead with our Automotive Design MA.

Working on studio delivered briefs and ÔliveÕ industry projects, you will learn the underlying theory, 2D and latest 3D techniques used to resolve automotive design challenges with in the areas of exterior, interior, colour and trim design. We offer state-of-the-art facilities, including automotive clay modelling studios, laser cutting, rapid prototyping, 3D printing and a 12-camera motion capture studio for the measurement of human motion, machine interaction and biomechanics.

Career prospects

International companies are keen to employ our graduates to acquire their skills and knowledge of the automotive design process. Recent graduates have been recruited by manufacturers and consultants in Europe and the Far East.

Career opportunities are vast and varied within automotive design, research, teaching and design management. You could start your own business, become a design consultant, modeller, illustrator, CAD professional, design manager or marketing professional. You may wish to continue your studies at PhD level.

Our Creative Futures employment team is on hand to offer tailored career and enterprise support if you wish to gain employment or take advantage of professional practice opportunities within course specific industries. It provides specialist careers information, advice and guidance to all our students from their first year through to final year and beyond graduation, helping them achieve their desired career outcome. Our dedicated enterprise officers also offer valuable assistance on how to begin as a freelancer/entrepreneur.

Coventry University is committed to preparing you for your future career and giving you a competitive edge in the graduate job market. The University's Careers and Employability team provide a wide range of support services to help you plan and prepare for your career.