Sport and exercise psychologists use scientific research methods to explore how peopleÕs thoughts, feelings and behaviours affect their sports performance.

Studying key factors, such as motivation, commitment, mental toughness, self-confidence, stress, anxiety, attitude to injury and concentration, they support athletes to consistently optimise their performance in physical activity.

This Sport and Exercise Psychology (Hons) at Coventry University aims to provide you with a core knowledge of psychology in order to confer eligibility for the Graduate Basis for Chartered Membership with the British Psychological Society (if a 2:2 or better degree is obtained), as well as developing your understanding of how psychology is specifically applied to sporting contexts.

Career prospects

The Guardian University Guide 2018 ranks Coventry as one of the top 20 psychology departments in the UK for graduate employability.

Sport and exercise psychologists work in a wide range of settings with a variety of clients participating in recreational, amateur and elite levels of performance. Some work as private consultants or hold full-time positions with professional sports teams or national governing bodies of sport and exercise contexts.

In order to use the title Sport and Exercise Psychologist, you will need to be registered with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC). This will involve completing a post degree Stage Two BPS qualification in Sport and Exercise Psychology or an equivalent qualification that has been approved by the HCPC.

By undertaking this Sport and Exercise Psychology degree, you can also choose to enter a wide range of careers in more general areas of psychology or as a researcher, lecturer, teacher, administrator, manager or health care professional.