Disaster management has been taught at Coventry for over 20 years. Our curriculum is systematically mapped against the current National Occupational Standards for Civil Contingencies, developed by UK Skills for Justice in association with the largest professional society, The Emergency Planning Society. Our courses also benefit from a longstanding partnership with the Outreach Organisation, whose specialist training and facilities focus on the rope and water rescue technical skills, Urban Search and Rescue (USAR), Casualty Management, and Search Management for the emergency services.

This program is available as a 3-year full-time and 4-year sandwich option.

Career prospects

Our blend of academic and practical study seeks to provide you with a specialist understanding of all aspects of disaster management, as well as the specific emergency planning and management skills needed to prepare you for employment in this sector.

The Disaster Management and Emergency Planning (Hons) at Coventry University aims to develop your skills in problem-solving, teamwork and leadership, project management and communication, all of which are qualities employers demand. We strive to produce graduates who can make difficult decisions whilst being culturally sensitive, ethical, and compassionate, the capabilities required by international relief and development organizations, private sector consultancies, national government, local authorities, and United Nations agencies operating around the world.

We have an outstanding track record in employability with 100% of Disaster Management and Emergency Planning graduates in work or further study after six months, 94% of those employed in professional-level roles

The award-winning Faculty careers service, EC Futures, which won the Best Placement Service in the UK award at the National Undergraduate Employability Awards in 2015 and 2016, will help you in finding work experience while you study and employment on graduation. Choosing to undertake a work placement should improve your chances of finding graduate employment.