Politics will appeal to you if you have an interest in power, government, policy-making, social movements, debating ideas; understanding wars and conflict resolution, and the impact of globalization and world events. The Politics (Hons) at Coventry University includes a range of courses on British, American, European, African and Middle Eastern politics.

This program is available as 3-year full-time, 4-year part-time, flexible part-time options.

Career prospects

The course can enable you to choose from a variety of different career pathways that meet your particular interests.

The Faculty of Arts and Humanities have their own Creative Futures unit provides a program of workshops, embedded learning, lectures, professional experience and one-to-one guidance to help you develop the transferable skills and enterprising habits required for a successful career.

Coventry University is committed to preparing you for your future career and giving you a competitive edge in the graduate job market. The University's Careers and Employability team provide a wide range of support services to help you plan and prepare for your career.