Supported by facilities, industry-standard software, a broad range of workshops and dedicated studio space, this exciting course aims to help prepare you to work in the growing contemporary fields of illustration, graphic design, animation and creative media both in the UK and internationally.

Providing experience in a wide variety of modern and traditional materials, processes and formats Ð including print, digital, 3D and moving image Ð we will encourage you to be imaginative, ambitious and resourceful, preparing you professionally for the challenges and opportunities of working in the global creative economy.

Career prospects

The BA in Illustration and Graphics at Coventry University is designed to reflect the expectations of creative, professional practice, encouraging you to produce work of the highest calibre.

Professional experience is embedded into our course and you will have the opportunity to undertake a commission, live brief or competition brief to give you a sense of the demands of working for a client or external agency.

We aim to help you develop skills including independent thought, innovation, imagination, critical reflection and confidence in your practice, as well as transferrable skills suitable for employment across the full breadth of the creative industries. Whether your career goals include publishing or exhibiting, working for clients or as a self-sufficient artist or all of them Ð you should be able to apply your skills in a variety of contexts and do so with confidence.

The Creative Futures employment team is on hand to offer tailored career and enterprise support if you wish to gain employment or take advantage of professional practice opportunities within course specific industries. It provides a programme of workshops, embedded learning, lectures, professional experience and one-to-one guidance to help you develop the transferable skills and enterprising habits required for a successful career. Our dedicated enterprise officers also offer valuable assistance on how to begin as a freelancer/entrepreneur.Ê