English is the official language of 54 separate countries, spoken by around 400 million people as their first language and used by around a billion more. Its importance socially, culturally, politically and economically fuels the demand for people certified to teach English throughout the world.

Successful completion of this course enables you to qualify as an instructor of English while studying for a degree in English Language. As a trained specialist, you will be able to travel the globe and experience new cultures, while helping people to learn the English language and skills for effective communication.

The BA in English Language and TEFL (Hons) at Coventry University is designed to enable you to develop your ability to teach English as a foreign language, providing a sound theoretical understanding of the processes, methods and materials employed in learning and teaching foreign languages.

Teaching English as a foreign language can be fun, challenging, hugely rewarding and enable you to see the world and meet new people. Graduates from this course have gone on to teach in China, Thailand, Spain, Italy, Vietnam, Saudi Arabia and South Korea Ð as well as in the UK.

Career prospects

There are hundreds of language schools throughout the UK, as well as opportunities to teach English as a foreign language (TEFL) in places like Japan, China and other East Asian countries, the Middle East, parts of Eastern Europe, Spain, Italy and Germany

On the successful completion of this course, you can start applying immediately to a range of potential employers, including commercial language schools, education and development organisations, government departments, multinational companies, The British Council and a whole host of international volunteer organisations.

Alternatively, if you decide not to teach, successfully completing this course should have prepared you for any career that involves the use of language and particularly those professions where communication dominates: the media and cultural industries, primary and secondary education, public relations, marketing and advertising.Ê