This English and Journalism (Hons) at Coventry University is designed to give you an understanding of how media, cultural and creative organisations operate and are managed, helping to prepare you to critically engage with the world around you and investigate how events are examined and reported.

Coventry is ranked the 14th best university in the country for ÔJournalism, Publishing and Public RelationsÕ in the Guardian University Guide 2019. Here, youÕll learn from faculty passionate about the concept of a free, informed society; some of whom are writers and former journalists whoÕve worked for national publications and news corporations, including the former Political Editor of the Irish Sunday Mirror and Editor in Chief of Classics car magazine.

Career prospects

This course is designed to help prepare you for a variety of careers that involve the use of language and particularly those professions where communication dominates such as: the media and cultural industries, primary and secondary education, public relations, marketing and advertising.

Our Creative Futures employment team is on hand to offer tailored career and enterprise advice in gaining employment or take advantage of professional practice opportunities within course specific industries. Our dedicated enterprise officers also offer valuable assistance on how to begin as a freelancer/entrepreneur.Ê

Coventry University is committed to preparing you for your future career and giving you a competitive edge in the graduate job market. The University's Careers and Employability team provide a wide range of support services to help you plan and prepare for your career.