This BA in Business and Finance (Hons) at Coventry University aims to provide you with sound financial knowledge, placed in a business context. We hope to provide you with a firm understanding of the role of business in society and how finance can impact on and be used to improve business performance.

This program is available in 3-year full-time and 4-year sandwich program.

Professional experience and skills development are embedded throughout the course with different opportunities. YouÕll hear from current practitioners, take part in trade games and discuss contemporary issues, such as sustainability, financial crisis and technological innovation.

Coventry has excellent links with national and international employers, like Price Waterhouse Coopers (PWC), Grant Thornton, Ernst & Young, IBM and Jaguar Land Rover. Our teaching is grounded in the corporate world, using real-life international case studies and providing a range of exciting work placement options.

Career prospects

Our close links with major employers ensure the course remains responsive to the need of potential employment sectors. A degree in business and finance gives you the opportunity to access a range of graduate positions around the world Ð in financial management, investment banking, advertising, marketing, e-commerce, human resources or project management.

The strong vocational element and use of case studies should give you a good grounding in real business situations. We aim for our students to benefit from a wide range of desirable professional skills, including: team working; critical evaluation; self-directed learning; problem-solving; action planning and organising; written and oral communication; presentation; questioning and listening. The following personal qualities will also be addressed in each of the skills modules: achievement orientation; initiative and creativity; self-confidence; decisiveness; reflectiveness; adaptability and flexibility.Ê

Coventry University is committed to preparing you for your future career and giving you a competitive edge in the graduate job market. The University's Careers and Employability team provide a wide range of support services to help you plan and prepare for your career.