If you like the idea of developing innovative new products, theÊProduct Design (Hons) at Coventry University seeks to equip you with a broad range of skills, enabling you to create all types of products Ð from wearable technology to sports footwear to luxury aircraft seating. It could set you on course to become the next Jonathan Ive, Phillipe Starke, Thomas Heatherwick, Bethan Gray or James Dyson!

You will learn to create innovative product design solutions in a range of styles and media, appropriate to the specific audience and purpose, taking account of critical factors, such as usability, materials, ecology, desirability, technological feasibility and professional constraints.

Career prospects

Your creative thinking, problem solving and communication skills are valued by employers and could lead to roles not just in product design, but also design consultancy, design engineering, exhibition and events design, special FX model-making, point of sale design, product marketing or teaching.

Professional enhancement is central to our ethos and you will be encouraged to embrace either an industry placement or international study exchange before your final year. When you graduate, you should be used to working proactively to generate ideas as an individual or in teams and meeting deadlines.

The outcome of your final year will be presented in our prestigious Degree Show with a possible opportunity for you to present your work at an external venue, for example New Designers in London.

Our Creative Futures employment team is on hand to offer tailored career and enterprise support if you wish to gain employment or take advantage of professional practice opportunities within course specific industries. It provides specialist careers information, advice and guidance to all our students from their first year through to final year and beyond graduation, helping them achieve their desired career outcome. Our dedicated enterprise officers also offer valuable assistance on how to begin as a freelancer/entrepreneur.

Coventry University is committed to preparing you for your future career and giving you a competitive edge in the graduate job market. The University's Careers and Employability team provide a wide range of support services to help you plan and prepare for your career.