• Master of Advanced Studies in Physics at the University of Cambridge is offered on a full-time basis for a duration of 9 months.
  • This is an on-campus and thesis-based program.
  • This program is a masters-level course that is designed for students who already hold a 3-year UG degree in physics (or an equivalent subject similar to physics) and who are likely to wish to subsequently pursue research in physics.
  • The course begins with taught courses offered in around seven core areas.
  • The Major Topics courses comprise 24 lectures, while the majority of the minor topic courses are 16 lectures long. Lectures normally run for one hour.
  • Throughout the year students also work on an assessed research project that contributes to roughly one-third of their mark and at the end of the year sit a 3-hour unseen paper on General Physics.
  • All lecture courses are supported by small-group sessions, organized and coordinated by the lecturer. 
  • The research project will be assessed on the basis of scrutiny of the student's project laboratory notebook and project report of not more than 5,000 words and a short oral examination with the project supervisor and another member of staff.
  • Students give an oral presentation on their research project.
  • The Department of Physics, or the Cavendish Laboratory as it is widely known, has a long history of world-leading research and teaching.
  • The Cavendish is home to approximately 430 graduate students and admits students to 6 different programmes although the majority are studying for a PhD in one of the 15 research groups.