• Doctorate in Business at the University of Cambridge is offered on a full-time basis for a duration of 4 years.
  • It is an on-campus and thesis-based program.
  • The program starts at the beginning of October months.
  • The Business Doctorate (BusD) is a four-year program for senior business leaders of major companies looking to engage with research into cutting-edge social and economic issues.
  • Students should have substantial leadership experience, normally around 20 years.
  • During the first year, students will be resident in Cambridge and will take tailored coursework covering research methods and relevant academic literature to carry out independent and high-caliber research.
  • At the end of the first-year students will be required to produce and defend a final research proposal for their doctoral dissertation.
  • From the 2nd to 4th year, students will undertake work-based research in relation to their thesis.
  • Students have to submit a progress report at the end of year two and three.
  • Students get the flexibility to manage their workload and integrating the program within their existing commitments.
  • The total time commitment will be equivalent to a full-time PhD (a minimum of 24 weeks of study per year).