• Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Cambridge is offered on a full-time basis for a duration of 6 years.
  • It is an on-campus program.
  • Cambridge offers a world-class opportunity to study the scientific basis of veterinary medicine and clinical veterinary science.
  • The course provides the fundamental building blocks on which to develop and excel in any veterinary field.
  • A major strength of the Cambridge course is the extensive use of practical teaching and the emphasis on small-group teaching from Year 1.
  • The staff includes world leaders in their field and the facilities include state-of-the-art equipment.
  • This university also has one of the leading cancer therapy units in Europe with a linear accelerator used for delivering radiotherapy to both small and large animals with cancer.
  • During the pre-clinical studies (Years 1-3), students are taught through lectures and practical classes (including 120 hours of dissection across the three years) in the central science departments, and college supervisions expect 20-25 timetabled teaching hours each week.
  • The clinical studies teaching is a mixture of lectures (in Years 4 and 5), practicals, tutorials, supervisions, and clinical classes, with a lecture-free final year.
  • Students also have to complete a minimum of 12 week’s work experience (pre-clinical extramural study) during the University vacations in Years 1 and 2 to gain knowledge of animal husbandry.
  • During their clinical studies, students must complete at least 26 weeks of clinical extramural study, some of which may be undertaken abroad.
  • The Department of Veterinary Medicine has an international reputation as a center of excellence and is performing world-class veterinary research.