MSc Strategic Marketing Management will show you how to deliver strategy. A selection of specialist marketing modules enable you to focus on what is right for your career and will give you an appreciation of related business functions. This course is suitable for students from a wide range of backgrounds, including business and non-business specific specialisms.

You will learn marketing processes and procedures, including marketing research, marketing planning and strategy, marketing communications and brand portfolio building.Ê

Through a range of lectures, seminars and workshops you will learn:

  • Market research covering research design: questionnaire design and sampling;Ê data analysis using statistical techniques including correlation and factor analysis, regression, cluster analysis/MDS, SPSS
  • Marketing planning, market-led innovation, pricing and marketing channel strategies
  • Marketing strategy including segmentation and targeting, competitive positioning
  • Brand portfolio building as part of a team in an extended simulation using the Markstrat software
  • Marketing psychology including consumer decision-making processes and influences
  • International marketing management including market research, selection, promotion and pricing strategies