• The Ph.D in Sport and Exercise Science at Aberystwyth University is a full-time 3 years program.
  • The Department of Sport and Exercise Science at Aberystwyth University performs research in the sport and exercise sciences and provides consultancy services to individuals and organizations in Wales and the rest of the U.K. 
  • Based in the Carwyn James Building, the Department’s Laboratories contain state-of-the-art equipment for physiological, psychological, and biomechanical assessment of sport and exercise performance.
  • The Department is research active, and members of staff are involved in various projects including collaborative work with other universities and organizations. 
  • The Department has particular strengths in respiratory and endurance physiology and the role of exercise in mental health and well-being and the psychology of sport. 
  • Members of academic staff have an established record of publications of high-quality peer-reviewed scientific journals, as well as contributing to book chapters, popular magazine articles, and television and radio broadcast on issues related to their work.