• The Bachelor of Arts in History at Aberystwyth University is a full-time 3 years program.
  • History has been taught in Aberystwyth since 1872, making our department the most established in Wales and one of the foremost in Britain
  • Their teaching is innovative, research-based, and designed to train you in the skills of interpretation, analysis, and communication - skills that are valued in the workplace. 
  • Their subject specialisms enable you to follow your historical interests from the medieval period to the present day, ranging across four continents, and embracing political, social, economic, and cultural history.
  • In choosing Aberystwyth, a students will become part of a close-knit and supportive community of students and staff, and he will have access to excellent teaching and research facilities.
  • Their commitment to getting to know all our students sets them apart and is integral to their degree schemes. They provide teaching in small groups, including one-to-one tutorials and seminar-only courses, such as their skills and special subject modules.
  • As well as learning about the past, students will actively engage in the process of building new understandings of history. By studying primary sources and working closely with their lecturers, they will be contributing to our research community.
  • As an Aberystwyth History student, they will have plenty of opportunity to get 'hands-on' experience and access to the world-class resources that are available in Aberystwyth. These include the National Library of Wales - one of the five Copyright Libraries of the UK and Wales’s leading archive repository. 
  • As part of their degree, they will have the opportunity to study abroad at a partner university, to undertake Heritage sector work placements and to plan for their future career.