• The Bachelor of Science in Environmental Earth Science at Aberystwyth University is a full-time 3 years program.
  • Aberystwyth University offers the unique opportunity to study geography in one of the most picturesque locations in Europe.  Set on the coast of Cardigan Bay and surrounded by a great diversity of beautiful environments, including marine, moorland, mountain, and grassland, their department is uniquely placed to make the most of the stunning landscapes that surround it, providing the students with a fabulous variety of fieldwork and recreational opportunities. 
  • They will explore and receive a detailed insight into Geological and Environmental Earth Sciences topics. 
  • This course will enable the students to develop a deeper understanding of climate change. 
  • They will understand the impacts of volcanic eruptions on the environment and insights into mass extinction events. 
  • Their mentors and lecturers will inform them of the current trends in Geohazards and provide training in engineering Geology and Hydrology. 
  • They will develop a solid understanding of contemporary environmental issues: pollution, climate change, waste disposal among many others.
  • Their facilities are recognized by NERC (Natural Environment Research Council)
  • They offer fieldwork opportunities in each of the three years of their degree.