• The Bachelor of Science in biology at Aberystwyth University is a full-time 3 years program.
  • Aberystwyth is situated amongst hills, wooded valleys, wetlands, sandy and rocky shores and, of course alongside the pristine waters of Cardigan Bay. 
  • Students might be studying microbiology in the morning, and investigating the life found in sand dunes in the afternoon; they don’t have to limit themselves to just one area of Biology. They can keep your options open or specialize; their degree structure allows them to do either.
  • They will be taught by passionate, engaged, friendly and staff with expertise across the full range of Biological topics.
  • Their academic studies will be bolstered by a wealth of laboratory and field classes that build real scientific skills essential for their future.
  • Their teaching and E-learning facilities provide them with an outstanding learning experience integrating the classroom sessions and a vast repository of study resources.
  • They will be assigned a personal tutor who can guide them through their time at Aberystwyth and help them to settle in when they first arrive.
  • The University has invested heavily and over a number of years in our research facilities, and project students may get the opportunity to work in the research units on Penglais, or in their dedicated research facility at Gogerddan just outside Aberystwyth.