• The Bachelor of Arts in Politics and Modern History at Aberystwyth University is a full-time 3 years program.
  • Students will be taught in two departments with long and prestigious histories. History has been taught at Aberystwyth since 1872, and the Department of International Politics was the world's first when it was founded in 1919.
  • They will be guided and mentored by lecturers who are enthusiastic and committed to providing them with an innovative and dynamic learning environment.
  • They have one of the biggest libraries in the world, the National Library of Wales, on their doorstep. This copyright institution receives a copy of every book published in the UK.
  • Students will have the opportunity to take part in numerous extra-curricular activities during their degree. In the History department, they will have the chance to join the Aberystwyth University History Society and take part in social events and trips to museums and galleries and other history-rich venues. In the International Politics department, they will have the opportunity to take part in the prestigious Parliamentary Placement scheme alongside an MP (House of Commons, Westminster) or an AM (Welsh Assembly, Cardiff) and be active contributors to ‘Interstate’ - the oldest student-run international Politics journal in the UK.