• This programme will provide you with an understanding of international human resource management – in a operational, economical, political and social context. It will deliver a learning experience designed to give you the confidence and the skills to add value to employers upon graduating.
  • This program is available in both full time and part time basis. Students can choose based on their preference. The full-time based curriculum is taught and completed in a period\ of a year while the part-time program can be completed in a period of 2 years
  • This programme aims to develop knowledgeable practitioners with an appreciation of multi-cultural international practice. The programme will help you to be able to critically measure HR interventions using quantitative/qualitative, scientific and psychological approaches to managing human resources. This MSc will also equip you with the tools to critically examine and apply contemporary approaches to HR management within organisations that are operating in a global environment. It will cover the financial, project management and relationship skills you need to succeed in global HR management.