Letter of recommendation is written within 500-600 words, whether it is an academic LOR or professional LOR. While the content-specifics vary for courses and type of LOR, the basic letter of recommendation format remains the same for all programs.
The LOR format can be divided into three sections: Introduction, Content Body, and Conclusion. Let’s discuss in detail the letter of recommendation format on the basis of these three sections:
Section I: Recommender’s Introduction
- The introductory paragraph of the Letter of recommendation begins with brief information on the recommender's portfolio or credentials such as name, organization, title, city, and his/her relationship with the candidate. It should include specific details of the nature and length of the relationship.
- The recommender should draw a comparative narrative of the applicant against other students/colleagues, linked with the frequency of contact, and the number of people he/she supervised with or the class size he taught.
Section II: Highlighting Candidate’s Qualities and Skill-set
Ideally, recommenders must discuss at least 2-3 qualities of the candidates which stood out for them. It is expected of the recommender to provide a detailed and accurate description of the qualities which must be substantial and impressive. Possible qualities and skills include
- Research aptitude
- Understanding and experience
- In-depth engagement
- Conceptual Experimentation
- Innovative thinking
- Organizational and teamwork skills
- Visualization power
Recommenders must incorporate examples, scenarios, and events as they solidify and substantiate the listed qualities.
Tip 2: Keep it authentic and realistic. Focus on candidates' qualities but do not totally negate the areas of improvement which you (recommender) think are relevant.
Section III: Conclusion
In the end, the recommender is required to summarise the student’s strengths, weaknesses, observations, deductions, and finally an enthusiastic endorsement of the applicant.
Based on the structural guidelines discussed above the Letter of Recommendation format, check out the LOR sample below:

Check out the program-specific LOR samples and guidelines:
- Letter of Recommendation for Bachelors
- Letter of Recommendation for MBA
- Letter of Recommendation for MS
- Letter of Recommendation for PhD
Ques. What is the word limit for writing a letter of recommendation?
Ans. There is no specific word limit for writing a letter of recommendation unless stated by the University. However, it is advised to keep it within 500 to 600 words and keep it precise and to the point.
Ques. What is the key to a good letter of recommendation?
Ans. A good letter of recommendation Elaborates the most positive traits of the candidate that makes him a good fit for the program. It discusses the potential and performance of the candidate supported by suitable examples from real-life events. It might increase the chances of admission into top universities across the world.
Ques. Who should write my letter of recommendation?
Ans. Academic letters of recommendation must be written by your previous college professor, teacher or Teen whereas a professional letter of recommendation should be written by your previous employer or supervisor. In a nutshell, a letter of recommendation must be written by someone who can assess and evaluate your academic or work performances, skills, achievements, and interests.
Ques. Is it mandatory to submit a letter of recommendation?
Ans. It may not be mandatory in all universities to submit a LOR. But if it is a mandatory document specified by the university it is very very important to submit all the required documents for acceptance into the university. A good letter of recommendation might influence the admission committee that you are a good fit for the program
Ques. What should I provide to someone who is writing a letter of recommendation for me?
Ans. You need to provide some references of your academic and work experience to the person who is writing a recommendation letter for you. Provide your CV, resume, transcripts, and personal statement for better assessment of your performance and potential and for helping him write true and verified facts.
Ques. Whom should I ask for a letter of recommendation?
Ans. You should ask for a letter of recommendation from someone with who you have a good relationship, who has witnessed your academic performances and achievements and can give a good assessment on it. Choose good relationships over designations. Don't ask your friends or family to write a reference letter for you, specifically ask your professors or previous employers to write a letter of recommendation.