SOP for undergraduate programs is a personal essay that gives the admissions committee a clear picture of the applicant's academic and professional experiences as well as a deep insight into your personal experiences. It gives an opportunity to the admissions committee to get to know the applicant beyond his/her test scores, grades, and academic achievements. Writing an SOP for UG admissions is highly recommended, even if the university marks it as an optional requirement.

Sample Statement of Purpose for UG Courses

I must say that is rather surprising that I find my career being steered towards the direction of becoming a Mechanical Engineering. I never thought I’d be opting to study Mechanical Engineering but my hobbies and attractions in the latter part of my childhood gave me away. As my knowledge and skills in overhauling small gadgets grew, so did my attraction to the field and my curiosity. This is what has made me apply for B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering at your prestigious university.

During my high school days, I had a strong affinity for programs such as the Middle School Engineering fair for young engineers, as well as excelling in Physics and Mathematics. Over time, I developed greats interests in the Manufacturing and Maintenance aspects of engineering. This pushed to research about top manufacturers of automobiles and other mechanical devices and structures such as Henry Ford (proud founder of the popular Ford car company), Jacob Rubinovitz, Eli Whitney, Henry R. Towne, Alexander Hamilton Church, Frederick Winslow Taylor, etc. These people have also gone a long way in inspiring and influencing my decision on this path.

I obtained a WASSCE (WAEC) certificate from Nvidia Memorial High School in Lagos, Nigeria last year. The certificate is a compilation of five subjects and I had an ‘A’ in Mathematics, Physics, and Workshop practice, while I bagged a 'B' in Chemistry and English. I was also the president of the JETS (Junior Engineers, Technicians, and Scientists) for two years, and under my watch, the club participated in two regional Going forward, I have won several personal awards in science fairs competitions within the school and inter-school science project competitions and a few of those awards include Best Student in Science, Best Graduating Student in 2019 Science competition, Best Science Project 2018, JETS club science quiz 2019, to mention but a few.

Nevertheless, even in the face of these achievements, I don’t see myself as being perfect for my level in this field yet. However, I am always open to learning new and exciting things. I can describe myself as being one who is eager to learn, explore, experiment, and try out new methods. These qualities have helped me to keep my head down and learn more amidst the challenges such as inadequate funding and limited access to study materials. I can make use of computer engineering programs and software such as Mathcad, Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), MATLAB, Finite Element Analysis (FEA), and Computer-Aided Design (CAD); most of which are self-taught.

I am sure I will do my best if I am admitted into this program at your university. I will give my best as well as attain every requirement for graduation stipulated by the faculty.