As the name suggests, Materials Science and Engineering is a dynamic, interdisciplinary study that combines the fundamental sciences; chemistry, physics, and life sciences; with the applied engineering; electronic, mechanical, chemical, and bioengineering. Materials make up the things we see and use and Materials Science and Engineering modify them and make them better. This involves studying and designing, processing and fabricating, and developing these functional materials for technological applications, making them useful and reliable in the service of humankind.

There is an additional option to choose two areas of specialization in Materials Science and Engineering:

  • Polymeric and Biomedical Materials
  • Nanostructured materials and Nanotechnology

The course curriculum is designed to be flexible in terms of specialization so that it can be adapted to the future needs of Singapore industries. In addition, the syllabus is structured taking into account the 3 main core platforms of the department, which is applying functional nano-materials in biomedical technology, Infocom technology, and sustainable energy technology.