- The NUS MFE program has one intake per year, with candidates joining in August every year. This program is offered as a full-time program, a part-time program as well as a distance learning program.
- The minimum and maximum periods of candidature are 18 months and 4 years for the part-time and distance learning students. The minimum and maximum periods of candidature are 1 year and 2 years for full-time students.
- The program operates on the 2 regular university semesters, specifically, Semester 1 and 2 from August-December, and January-April, and also on the Special Term from May-July.
- Students also get the supplementary computer lab exercises and tutorial facilities for each module. Lectures are mostly held in the evenings from 7.00 pm to 10.00 pm and on Saturdays. Each lecture lasts for 3 hours.