The first batch of the Summer Placement process for the PGP class of 2024 consisted of five domains namely investment banking and markets, management consulting, niche consulting, cards and financial advisory, and private equity, venture capital & asset management.
Top recruiters in the Investment Banking and Markets sector included
Goldman Sachs was the largest recruiter in Investment Banking and Markets cohort with 10 offers
Few top bulge bracket investment banks like Goldman, JP Morgan, Citi, Morgan Stanley, BAML, Credit Suisse recruit at the analyst level at IIM Ahmedabad. The base salary of analysts is in the range of INR 35-40 lakhs. But you should know that getting into IDB has become quite difficult over the years. On average around 10 students get IDB offers from IIMA due to limited job openings.
First, you have to understand that IB is very closed knit and there are limited openings. So, not all companies will visit the campus every year for finals. However, they do come for summer.
Plus, I am assuming that by Investment Banking, you are talking specifically about the roles that are associated with the Investment Banking side and not the aspects that concern market openings. As the companies will be the same but your place of working will be different.
You can always opt for off-campus placement drives too. But most of the biggies do show up at the campus placement.