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EligibilityAdmissionB.DesMITWPU Pune

What is eligibility criteria for admission in B.Des. in MIT-WPU?

Posted On - Aug 28, 2020
Asked byGovind Charan
1 Answer
Answered by Posted On - Aug 28, 2020
Priti Mandal

The Candidate should have passed 10+2 from Science, Commerce, Arts & Humanities etc. (HSC, CBSE, ICSE, IB Diploma (of the International Baccalaureate Office, Geneva, Switzerland), IGCSE (University of Cambridge) or their equivalent as can be stated/or established by Association of Indian Universities(AIU), www.aiuweb.org)) securing aggregate 50% marks (at least 45 % marks, in case of Backward class categories and Persons with Disability candidates belonging to Maharashtra State only). Candidates who have their 10+2 results pending will be provisionally admitted subject to furnishing the certificates when available.
