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EligibilityAdmissionMITWPU PuneMPH

What are the essential eligibility criteria for admission to MPH at MIT-WPU?

Posted On - Aug 28, 2020
Asked byGaurav Kalsi
1 Answer
Answered by Posted On - Aug 28, 2020
Girisha Diwaan
  • Graduates from any of the disciplines – Sciences, Social sciences, humanities, arts, Engineering, Medicine, Dentistry, pharmacy, Law, media and communications and others can apply for the program. Students who have appeared in their final year of a degree program from any faculty of a recognised University are eligible to apply for the program. The experience of candidates in working with the health, social sector, civil society institutions, in livelihood programs, on policy advocacy, project planning and monitoring will be given due weightage
  • Besides, working mid-career professionals from Government, Industry, Civil Society Organizations, National and International NGOs, bilateral agencies and others also are encouraged to apply depending on the time they can spare. This course is very demanding, and the working professionals must have the option of getting leave for the study period or getting relieved to attend lectures and fieldwork.
  • Students from India and abroad can apply.

Preference will be given to students who have already gained some experience while working with any health or social sector projects or any other development projects involving rural, urban or semi-urban areas in collaboration with any local organizations, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), and Community Based Organizations (CBOs)
