Tamil Nadu Governor Banwarilal Purohit said Thursday that he needed 3 to 4 weeks to make a decision on the provision of medical courses to government school students who had passed the National Eligibility Cum Entry Test (NEET).
In reply to DMK President MK Stalin's letter, he wrote, "I have received your letter dated 21.10.2020, concerning Bill providing 7.5 per cent of the reservation for students studying in government schools from 6th to 12th grade, and passed the NEET Medical Admissions Exam."
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மருத்துவக் கல்வியில் அரசுப் பள்ளி மாணவர்களுக்கு 7.5% இடஒதுக்கீடு வழங்கும் மசோதாவுக்கு அனுமதியளிக்கக் கோரி
— M.K.Stalin (@mkstalin) October 21, 2020
ஆளுநருக்கு கடிதம் எழுதியிருக்கிறேன்.
இந்த நேர்வில் அதிமுக அரசுடன் இணைந்து போராட திமுக தயார்!
கட்சிகளுடன் பேசி போராட்டத்தை அறிவித்திட @CMOTamilNadu முன்வர வேண்டும்! pic.twitter.com/eCGyxPXD5s
"I would like to inform you that I have been seized and examined from all angles. I need at least 3 to 4 weeks to reach a decision. I have also been informed to the delegation of ministers who have recently called for me," said Tamil Nadu Governor.
This comes after the President of the DMK urged the Governor of Tamil Nadu to give assent to legislation providing for 7.5 per cent medical admissions to government school students.
"Request to give assent to the bill passed by the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly to provide 7.5 per cent of the horizontal reserve for government school students in medical studies," the letter said.
Also Read: NEET 2020 Counselling Dates Released @mcc.nic.in; Check Detailed Schedule Here
"In the light of the NEET results announced on 16 October 2020, government school students could benefit from the reservation in the current academic year only if the approval of the 7.5 per cent horizontal reserve bill passed by the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly is given immediately, without further delay," the letter said.
"Therefore, on behalf of Dravid Munnetra Kazhagam (DMK), the primary opposition party that supported the bill, I urge you immediately to approve the bill and help to fulfil the dream of government school students to the extent that they pursue medicine as their profession," it added.