The Kerala HC on Wednesday ordered the central government to facilitate travel for Indian students in the Middle East to attend the JEE Advanced Exam which is scheduled to be held on 27 September 2020.
Following the revoke of JEE Advanced examination centre in the Middle East, a section of students filed a plea before the Kerala HC for which Justice PV Asha issued the order to the central government.
As per the Advocate Haris Beeran, who was appearing on behalf of the students, no foreign centre was allotted in the case of NEET whereas in the case of JEE Advanced, the foreign centre already allotted has been cancelled citing the inability of exam officials to travel, forcing over a hundred candidates and their parents to travel.
Read More: JEE Advanced 2020 Exam Centers Increased, IIT Delhi adds 46 new centers
Kerala HC Judgement on Cancellation of Exam Centre
During the hearing held today, NTA and Joint Admission Board informed their inability to conduct the examination in the middle east.
Following which the Kerala HC has ordered the central government to facilitate travel for Indian students in the Middle East to attend the JEE Advanced Exam 2020.
Moreover, Kerala HC also highlighted that it hopes that the respective state governments will exclude the candidates and those accompanying them from COVID-19 quarantine restrictions.
If followed students appearing for the entrance exam conducted by BITS-Pilani, a few days after the JEE Advanced will be able to attend the examination comfortably.
NTA has conducted the JEE Main 2020 successfully and has released the answer key for the same. The testing agency will be releasing the merit list soon.
Read More: JEE Advanced 2020: Registration for Foriegn Nationals Started, Check Details Here