The ICFAI Business School has commenced a National level Mock Test for IBSAT 2020. The test will be held online and is designed to familiarize the students seeking admission in MBA and PGDM programs offered by IBS colleges.
The students need not fill the application form to be eligible for the IBS National Mock Test, they just need to satisfy the eligibility criteria. Students securing a rank in the top 50, will be awarded prizes which are as below:
First Prize: INR 20,000/- Gift card
Second Prize: INR 10,000/- Gift card
Third Prize: INR 5,000/- Gift card
Other Prize: INR 2,000/- Gift cards (Rank 4 to 50)
Students must take note that in case they attempt the test twice for practice purposes, the score of the attempt one will be considered for the eligibility of the prize.
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ICFAI National Mock Test: Eligibility Criteria
- Legal Resident of India
- Candidates must be of the age of majority as per the laws of the jurisdiction applicable to at the time of entry.
- Have internet access prior to the start, during and the promotion of Mock Test.
- Candidates must have passed graduation in 2017 to 2020 or appearing in the final year.
- Must hold a valid Aadhaar Card and candidates from NE states can apply through valid government photo ID.
NOTE: Current employees, directors, agents, and officers of the ICFAI Business School and its affiliates, and their respective immediate families and people living in their household are not eligible to enter the promotion.
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ICFAI National Mock Test: Registration Dates
Candidates need to register for the National IBSAT Mock test and shall take the test between August 10 to September 30, 2020. The ICFAI Business school server will serve as the official timekeeper for the promotion.
Candidates need to make sure that they provide valid email id as the primary means of communication will be that only.
Direct Link to apply for IBSAT National Mock Test
ICFAI National Mock Test: Winners Declaration
The authorities will announce the winner's name no later than after 7 days of the IBS National Mock Test. Prizes will be given after the verification of class 10th certificate and graduation mark sheets. Candidates should also make a note that 50% marks in graduation are compulsory to be eligible for the test.
The winners will be given 5 business days time to claim the prizes. Thereafter, entrants can expect the prizes to be received within 30 days duration.