CAT Personal Interview is the last step towards getting into an IIM. This is a place where many top scorers of CAT mess up, as CAT 2020 is a more holistic test that gauges how you are as a person. So, here are some of the best Insider Tips and Tricks for CAT 2020 Personal Interview: 

  • First Impressions

First things first; first impressions are extremely important in any meeting. They can quite simply colour the interviewer's perception of you. So, make sure you dress well. Have a pair of formal clothes ready for the interview. This is a professional space, so the usual pyjama and t-shirt will not work in your favor. Keep yourself well groomed, clean and smell good.

  • Honesty is the Best Policy

Interviewers are very experienced, as they take hundreds of such interviews. If you are making something up, they will probably know. Answer questions honestly. Be clear and to the point. No need to embellish your sentences with fancy words or phrases. 

  • Posture and Body Language

If it was not obvious yet, the interviewer will judge you heavily. Mostly based on how you present yourself. Keep your back straight. A slouching back is a sign of low confidence. Similarly, a firm handshake is a sign of confidence. Smile at the interviewer, and remember to make eye contact when appropriate. 

  • Conversational Skills

As noted before, the interviewers job is to judge you based on this one conversation. So, it is very important to leave a lasting impact on them. One of the easiest ways to leave a good impression is to have good conversational skills. How to do that? Practise. Switch to English as your daily language. Do not shy away from making mistakes and be open to criticism. 

  • Open-Ended Questions

Questions that cannot be answered with a yes or no are called Open-Ended Questions. This will put the onus of the conversation on you, as the next few questions will be based on your responses. So, prepare yourself for such questions. 

  • How to manage anxiety for CAT PI?

Anxiety is like the annoying third wheel that comes along with you to the interview. Now, it is not the end of the world, as it is manageable. Practise breathing techniques if your anxiety is short-lived. If you have a fear of public speaking, put yourself in positions where you have to speak. Practise in front of a mirror. 

  • Language Skills

Listen to English podcasts when you are taking a break, as it will improve your speaking skills and general language skills. Some good conversational podcasts include Freakonomics Radio, Here's the thing, Entrepreneur on Fire etc. Be clear and succinct, and avoid being too complex or using difficult words that seem out of place. 

Check Detailed CAT Syllabus 2020

CAT PI Common Questions

  • Tell us about yourself. 

This is a guaranteed question, so be prepared to answer this. Talk about your educational, professional and family background. Do not speak for too long, however. 

  • Why IIM (Insert Branch)?

Be forthcoming about your reasons to join the specific branch of IIM. Is it more practical? Is it more prestigious? Does it Offer Better Opportunities? 

  • Why MBA?

Do not give a dry answer here. Talk about your interests and what guided you towards MBA as a career. 

  • Where do you see yourself X years from now?

This is a question intended to understand your ambitions and expectations from your career. So, talk about how you see yourself. Make sure to not to sound overconfident or cocky. 

  • Which is the last book you read?

Talk about the last book you read, and the impact it had on you. Talk about the author if you know about them. 

Check Detailed CAT 2020 Preparation Tips