The core aim of the Interior Architecture and Furniture Design, delivered by the Royal Academy of Art The Haguee is the personal development of each individual student into a creative, inquisitive and independent designer. We pay close attention to discovering the possibilities and potential of our students, and have designed the programme in such a way that we have achieved a precise balance between the attention given to the concept and to empiricism: abstract thinking versus pragmatic and professional embedding. The curriculum focuses on experimentation and research. This enables us to encourage the development of an independent inquisitive design attitude that generates unexpected and surprising results and perspectives, and that makes the impossible possible.

Our didactic principle is learning by doing. The development of skills, knowledge and competences is linked to relevant assignments that preferably correspond to professional design practice. We strongly emphasise the students? personal position and the way they approach their identity from a professional perspective. We attach great value to the development of an individual approach and work process, and encourage the student to develop an independent mind-set, a reflective design attitude and empathic ability. In our view, the designer with the title Bachelor of Design represents an all-round designer with an entirely personal approach. He is a good observer, and has both strong conceptual and empirical skills. He is a designer who approaches every thinkable ? spatial ? challenge head on.

After the first year, the programme offers students the choice between the specialisations Interior Architecture (full-time) and Furniture Design (full-time). The programme duration is four years. The degree Bachelor of Arts corresponds to the educational vision of the KABK and the National Final Qualifications for design. After graduating and receiving the title Bachelor of Arts, the KABK offers students the opportunity to continue their studies in the new Master Interior Architecture INSIDE. Graduates? possibilities for, and rights to, register with the ?Bureau Architectenregister? (Bureau Architects Register), in accordance with the ?Wet op de Architectentitel (WAT)? (The Academic Titles (Architects) Act), can be found on the website of the ?Architectenregister? (Dutch Register of Architects). The law was adapted in January 2011. Any student who graduates after 31 December 2014 and wants to register in the Netherlands as an architect, urban designer, garden and landscape architect or interior architect is obliged to complete a professional experience period.

Final qualifications Interior Architecture and Furniture Design

Graduates of Interior Architecture or Furniture Design are well-rounded designers, each with a unique, personal approach and attitude towards design. They are empathetic designers and good observers, with strong conceptual and empirical foundations. They are designers who can approach any conceivable spatial project with an open mind. In order to participate in the final examination, students must meet the following final qualifications:

  • Students are able to develop and elaborate an innovative concept into a distinctive image, product, means of communication or spatial design that can be used in a meaningful way within a given context (creative capacity)
  • Students are able to consider, analyse, explain and assess their own work and that of others, and are capable of thinking through the outcomes for the benefit of their work (capacity for critical reflection)
  • Students are able to further broaden and deepen their vision, work and working methods in a process of continuous inquiry, thereby contributing to their discipline and to society (capacity for growth and communication)
  • Students are able to establish an inspiring and functional working situation, in addition to organising their research, work and practice (entrepreneurial and organisational capacity)
  • Students are able to present their vision, research and work in a convincing manner, and engage in dialogue about it with clients and other stakeholders (communicative capacity)
  • Students are able to relate their identity as a designer to the artistic and social context (environmental orientation)
  • Students are capable of making an independent contribution to a joint product or process (capacity for collaboration) You can find a complete overview of the competencies for each programme year and of the final qualifications of the IAFD design programmes at the end of this chapter.