Plants form the basis of life as they convert sunlight into an inexhaustible source of food and renewable raw materials. Plants also have a stabilising effect in (agro) ecosystems, a landscape function and ornamental value. In a nutshell, we can't do without plants. Modern molecular biology has opened up a whole new range of techniques and possibilities to scientists working in the different fields of the classical plant sciences (e.g. plant physiology, plant breeding, plant pathology). The combination of these disciplines forms a challenging domain: .

The?Plant Biotechnology Master?at ?is truly a research master that perfectly suits students with a bachelor degree in Biology or a bachelor degree in another laboratory oriented education.

Future career

Graduates in Plant Biotechnology are university-trained professionals. Their main career focus will be on research and development positions at universities, research institutes and biotech or agribusiness companies.

Other job opportunities can be found in the fields of policy, advice and communication in agribusinesses and governmental and non-governmental organisations. Most graduates in Plant Biotechnology (more than 75%) start their (academic) career with a PhD.