The two-year master programme at studies the relationship between food and health and how we can influence that. This is done from the perspectives of large groups, at individual level, or cellular and gene levels. What causes a disease, what facilitates a cure and what role does food play? All aspects of feeding humans are reviewed in this study programme: the choice of food, the manner by which it is consumed, the way the body processes food and the effect of food on our health.?

Multidisciplinary field of expertise

The history of the Nutrition & Health programme at Wageningen University goes back for 40 years; it is considered to be one of the best and most innovative programmes in its field in Europe. Human nutrition is a multidisciplinary field of expertise. Solving problems in this domain requires multidisciplinary biomedical knowledge and skills as well as an interdisciplinary approach to communication with experts in human nutrition and other fields.

Future career

Once you have finished the Master Nutrition and Health you are prepared to start your career, whether it is in science or the private sector.